
Gay Resources

Page history last edited by Rich Espey 12 years, 2 months ago

This site provides access to resources for those who wish to help our students see gay people in a positive context.

This site was created by participants in the 2010 Park School FACA project entitled "Putting Gay in a Positive Context". Our group included Carolyn Cooper, Krista Dhruv, Rich Espey, Marla Hollandsworth, Jenny HarboldMaria Lawson, Emily Liss, Geoff Meyers, Debbie Roffman, Christine Tillman, Dave Tracey and Susannah Wolf.  We would be happy to speak with you personally. The work of our FACA produced a core document with important definitions, basic tenets about sexual orientation and 12 things you can do to affirm students. There's also a useful glossary for getting started. In addition, you will find many more specific resources below. Please request access to the site if you would like to contribute other resources you've found.


Core Document from "Putting Gay in a Positive Context" FACA 2010
 Glossary of Important Terms and Definitions


Resources by AGE Resources by SUBJECT
Play furniture for children.

ADVOCACY Resources SUPPORT Resources for Parents and Teachers



 for use across grades and subject areas
GLBTQ GLBTQ is "the world's largest encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer culture". It's a particularly useful resource for arts, literature and social sciences.
The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network is a leading advocacy group for promoting equality, building coalitions and addressing anti-gay bias in schools. Look under "Tools and Tips" for curricular materials.
GLSEN Book list A shortcut to GLSEN's publications and pre-screened books and videos, organized for younger and older children. Scroll down BELOW the "Featured Booklinks" to see the entire list.
Advocates for Youth 

Debbie Roffman calls this site "one of the premiere sites in the field". This is a stellar resource for faculty and advisors who want to feel more informed and empowered about the issues GLBTQ teens face. Of particular interest are their publications, notably pamphlets about questioning, creating a safe space, and issues particular to young people of color.


Of particular interest are some school case studies under "Equity and Justice/Diversity Resources/LGBT Case Studies".  You'll need to create an NAIS profile for full access.

Human Rights Campaign
HRC is a leading advocacy organization primarily focused on legislative issues. Their "Welcoming Schools" curriculum can be found under "Issues/Parenting/Schools and Youth".
Welcoming Schools Curriculum A shortcut to HRC's Welcoming School's Curriculum. "Welcoming Schools is specifically designed for use in K-5 learning environments and is inclusive of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender families and individuals in the broader context of diversity."
Teaching Tolerance
A leader in diversity education, Teaching Tolerance offers a wide array of resources. Enter "gay" in the search box and then use the filters on the right to sort results by type of content, level and subject.
Harvey Milk High School

From the website: "The Hetrick-Martin Institute, home of the Harvey Milk High School, believes all young people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential. Hetrick-Martin creates this environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth between the ages of 12 and 21 and their families."

This site has particularly good resources for students aged 12 and above.

GLBT History Month October is GLBT History month. Check out "IDEAS" tab under "Students/Educators" for ways to use this resource in your classroom.
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays and Lesbians is an advocacy group founded in 1973. "Education and Programs", in the left column, has a particularly excellent resource called "Safe Schools for All".
National Alliance for Safe Schools

An organization that focuses on workshops and assessments for schools interested in assuring and increasing student safety. Unfortunately, there are no curricular materials available here.



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