
Resources by SUBJECT

Page history last edited by Rich Espey 12 years, 9 months ago

Useful resources are arranged here by academic subject.



An EXTREMELY HELPFUL site for LS and all  MS and US Humanities teachers. It is ""the world's largest encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer culture." This site is a great place to begin for researching how issues of sexual identity relate to a particular topic. You could begin a search with a topic like "Middle Ages", "Harlem", or "Architecture" and get a lot of information to narrow your research from there.

Current Events
An excellent current events site is Gay Rights. Some good clearinghouses for current events are AlterNet, Amplify (written by teens), and the "latest news" section of HRC.org




Language Arts and Literature

see above
I'm here, I'm queer, what the hell do I read? A great resource for YA Literature
Books This is a list both of books we've read and books we've yet to read, grouped according to age. Lower  Middle  Upper


Social Studies/History

When Did it Happen: An LGBT History Lesson From GLSEN, this activity is adaptable for different grade levels as an introduction to LGBT rights history.

81 Words


Two Families Grapple with Son's Gender Preference

Park Alumni Alix Spiegel  '89 produced these pieces for National Public Radio. The first is about the American Psychological Association's decision that homosexuality is not a mental illness.
Nabozny vs. Podelsny
"a precedent setting 1996 case that established that a school district may be held accountable for failing to protect a student from anti-LGBT harassment and abuse. This is the brief for the federal appeals case that set the precedent, and it includes the horrific detail of Jamie Nabozny's abuse at the hands of classmates and of the failure of educators in his Ashland, WI school system to protect and support him."


Fine Arts 

See above- the Arts Section is incredibly rich. One can Dig through the Arts section or search with terms like "photography Post Stonewall"
Catherine Opie
Photographer Catherine Opie is known both for her photographs that question  gender stereotypes  AND as a landscape photographer. She was quoted in the NYT review of her work as saying “I am an American photographer, I have represented this country and this culture. And I’m glad that there is a queer, out, dyke artist that’s being called an American photographer.” She recently had a solo show at the Guggenheim in New York where their educational staff created this fantastic lesson plan about stereotypes.



US Census Data on Married-Couple and Unmarried Partner Households This document could be useful when generating graphs or doing data-analysis.
Biography of Alan Turing A short biography from GLBTQ.com about the brilliant British gay mathematician who, among other things, cracked German codes during World War II.



"What the Gay Brain Looks Like" from Time Magazine, 2008
This brief article summarizes some recent research findings about anatomical differences discovered between gay and straight brains.
Scans See "Gay Brain" Difference This article from the BBC, about the research mentioned above, offers a more in-depth explanation of the research.
NARTH - National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality
For opposing viewpoints, this is a purportedly scientific anti-gay research institution.

81 Words


Two Families Grapple with Son's Gender Preference

Park Alumni Alix Spiegel  '89 produced these pieces for National Public Radio


Modern Language 

De Nuestra Casa a la Escuela
Pagina web para traducir de PFLAG
Spanish Literature An article from GLTBQ.com with many references to gay themes in Spanish literature, primarily from the 20th century.
French Literature: 19th Century An article from GLBTQ.com about gay themes and gender issues in 19th century French literature.
French Literature: 20th Century
An article from GLBTQ.com about gay themes and gender issues in 20th century French literature.



A list of Out Athletes From OutSports.com, this list contains brief bios of many out athletes. What's really interesting is that there are almost no bios of MLB, NBA, NFL or NHL players...why is that?
Reducing Gender Stereotyping and Homophobia in Sports A lesson plan from Teaching Tolerance that offers different lesson plans for different age groups.
Reasons why Coaches Need to Address Anti-LGBT Bias in Athletics A short statement from GLSEN
College Team Learns a Lesson in Acceptance  New York Times article about Andrew McIntosh and his experience coming out as a captain of his lacrosse team.
College Lacrosse Player Comes Out to His Team Outsports.com article about Andrew McIntosh
 Sean Coyne: Creating Safe Spaces for Gay Athletes
Article about a Bucknell hurdlerer who started a  Safe Space training program for sports teams at the school.






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